Google Advocates VRM for medical data

Philipp Lenssen at Google Blogoscoped shares this quote from Google’s Vice President Adam Bosworth [excerpted from original transcript]:

So what can be done? We should start at the beginning. Let’s put the patients in charge of their health and medical information. Let’s build a system which puts the people who are sick in control. For every single medical and health-related event, let’s make sure that patients can effortlessly retrieve and share their information in its totality and then use it to ensure that they get the best quality of care possible. It is their health.

Amen! Bosworth is right on the money. In fact, this is one of the first use cases in the VRM conversation being led by Doc Searls.

So, a note to Philipp and Adam: Please join us at the January 25th VRM meeting in Redwood City, California. This is critical stuff.

Ammendment: Doc clarifies that this is a developers’ meeting. I don’t know if either Philipp or Adam would consider themselves developers… So, if not, send someone from the dev team instead.  Your input is appreciated.

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